
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The Interpretation of Dreams and Bright

Ubqari Magazine - May 2015

Dangerous Dreams:  I saw both these dreams on same night with an interval of 2-3 minutes.

First Dream: I don’t remember exactly but it was dangerous dream, I was really afraid. Few people were firing with fingers; they were afraid of something behind me and perhaps they died also.  I awaked and slept again and saw another dream

Second Dream: I saw two white pieces of some ceramics material shaped in short kind of thing, someone tells me to keep it with your body in wearing style to save yourself from urine drops. I was so afraid that I could not even touch it. (S Mirpur Khas)

Revelation: You have been warned in the dream to remain away from sins failing which you may entrap into some serious disease. Offer five times prayers and complete at least on TASBEEH of ASTAGHFAR regularly in the morning and evening. Make it a routine, Insha’Allah, Allah will keep you safe.

Failure of an Important Task:

Dream: I along with my father and one friend are going to a village by bus. A hawker is selling ladies black suit with big stones. I ask my father to buy it for me; he replies that if you get it now, you shall not ask it on forthcoming Eid (Though my father is not of this type). I give him surety that I will not demand the suit on Eid but he doesn’t agree and my friend purchases that suit. On reaching village I become angry from my father. (Saima, Faisalabad)

Revelation: As per the dream, it is feared that you have to face some failure in an important task but never the less, it is possible to convert this into success by good acts and establishing contact with Allah. Please recite یا بدیع for 21 times after every prayer and seek help from Allah.


Beautiful Dress and Ornaments

Dream:  I saw that I am being married and wearing orange color beautiful dress and expensive ornaments. My father marries me to my cousin with simplicity on which I am delighted temporarily and meet people with happy feelings and in the process day converts into evening (Be informing that my cousin is already married to one of my cousin and have one daughter too). In next phase I am sitting on a bench in the lawn of a beautiful house and weeping. (Aneela sadia)

Revelation: As per dream, you are entangled with some psychological and domestic worries further to tell you that you are struck up due to jealousy of others. Please offer Sora FATEHA with TASMIA [Space for Arabic Text] for 21 times after every prayer and blow on you. Also take some meat and give to cats or birds as Sadqa. On every Friday after Asar Prayer recites one time Sora AHZAB and 70 times AYATUL KURSI for good proposal and seek Allah’s help.

Children (AULAD) chain starts

Dream: I saw my father-in-law (deceased before five years) coming to meet me in the school where I am holding teachers meeting (Though I have left the school job).  He is holding a big and very fresh Pumpkin with two bifurcating joining thumbs (Daondies). He gives me the Pumpkin and asks me to take it home, I request him to give at home as I am busy but he leaves it there on the table. After this dream my elder daughter became pregnant but then became sick (Kiran Lahore).

Revelation: This dream indicates that all hurdles would be removed and there would be continuity of generation with your children. Recite  یَاخَالِقُ یَامُصَوِّرُ 21times and seek blessing from Allah.

Red Rose

Dream: A proposal for my elder sister was referred by my aunt; I did ISTIKHRA for the same and saw this dream. I enter in my aunt’s house where I see a beautiful fresh red rose in a pot which has very good fragrance in the entire house.  I ask my aunt as to who has brought this fresh and beautiful rose; she replies that her aunt has sent this and with the option to keep it if you like other wise return it. I tell my aunt that we will not return this fresh and beautiful rose. (S, M Peshawar)

Revelation: This ISTIKHARA and dream is very good and Insha’Allah this proposal will turns into the best. 

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